hello, and welcome to my website!

This is the main page!

hi! my name is raphael, and im an immersive daydreamer.

why is this relevant? well, i wanted to talk about my paracosms!

wait, you want to know what a paracosm is? immersive daydreaming? okay then, here you go! the google doc does not belong to me, it belongs to someone on tumblr, but ive forgor their blog name.

heres a list of some of my paracosms:

yeah, thats it! ill add more as i make them!

id like to apologize for any bad english. english is my first language, i just dont give a fuck anymore.

please remember that this is pretty much entirely for me, and if you dont like it, you can always click off!

unfortunately, not all of these have links at this moment. i will link as i create.

love yall! -raphael!